Budget & Finance Bureau

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Budget & Finance Bureau Home Page


To assist officials and employees of the local public bodies in New Mexico to maintain budget and fiscal integrity for the benefit of our citizens.
  • For a definition of “local public body” as it relates to the mission of the Budget and Finance Bureau, please refer to Section 6-6-1 NMSA 1978.
  • For local public body budgeting and reporting requirements, please refer to Section 6-6-2 NMSA 1978.
  • For requirements related to the budget certification of local public bodies, please refer to Rule 2.2.3 NMAC
New Mexico map
Staff Job Title Phone No.
Cordelia “Cordy” Chavez Bureau Chief, BFB 505-231-7246
Shirley Green Supervisor, BFB 505-629-8102
Catrina Chavez Special Projects Analyst 505-479-1247
Kathleen Coates Budget and Finance Analyst 505-487-3907
Stephanie Kramer Budget and Finance Analyst 505-690-4621
Stephanie Ortiz Budget and Finance Analyst 505-396-1783
Yvonne Martinez Budget and Finance Analyst 505-269-6011
Jeanell Sanchez Budget and Finance Analyst 505-477-1151
VACANT  Budget and Finance Analyst
Address Mailing Address
Budget & Finance Bureau
Local Government Division
Bataan Memorial Building, Suite 201
402 Don Gaspar
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: 505 827-8051
Fax: 505 827-4340
Budget & Finance Bureau
Local Government Division
Bataan Memorial Building, Suite 201
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: 505 827-8051
Fax: 505 827-4340

Quarterly Reporting Training

Quarterly Reporting for New Users, April 20,2022

DFA LGD Checklist for Acceptance of Credit Cards and Electronic Transfers

November 2022 Virtual Budget Conference



Previous Presentations


Presentation Recordings

Budgeting for Counties and Municipalities VIDEO
Budgeting 101 for Counties and Municipalities March 23, 2023 VIDEO
Budgeting for Special Districts VIDEO
Financial Reporting for Counties and Municipalities VIDEO
Financial Reporting for Special Districts VIDEO
Law Enforcement Protection Fund LEPF Review of Legislative Amendments Increasing Funding Levels VIDEO
LGBMS Refresher Tips and Tricks VIDEO
Lodgers Tax Review of Legislative Amendments and Planning for New LGBMS Module VIDEO
Property Dispositions for Counties, Special Districts and Municipalities VIDEO

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Documents

The Basics of Financial Management