Central Payroll Bureau

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Payroll Administrator Time & Labor ** Garnishments/Payroll Adjustments

Functional Unit Title Phone No.
Audrey Beck Bureau Chief 505-629-8078
Shawn Haynes Senior Manager 505-309-2186
Joel Carrete Payroll Liaison 505-629-8691
Margarita Fresquez Payroll Liaison 505-487-0172
Suzette Porter Time & Labor Manager 505-690-3426
Nallely Chavez Time & Labor Administrator 505-629-8860
Karen Armijo Payroll Adjustment Administrator 505-372-8602
Benefits/Third Party Integration
Margaret Griego Payroll Benefits/Vendor Payment Lead 505-629-6163
Theresa Gallegos Payroll Benefits/Vendor Payment Administrator 505-629-6477
Eleanor Baca Garnishment Administrator 505-629-6573


As per our notice in the HCM User Meeting on September 5, 2012 please read the following carefully so you won’t experience delays with regard to your requests..

Central Payroll Bureau forms can be submitted via the followings:

  1. Email : CentralPayroll.Form@dfa.nm.gov
  2. FAX : 505-827-1223
  3. Internal Mail: This pertains to Check Reversals. The original check is required in order for checks to be reversed. Please, send the mail to DFA Central Payroll Bureau, Attn: Central Payroll Forms.

The deadline for receiving forms is Thursday at the close of business on the Pay Period End Date, unless there is a Holiday in the pay cycle which may bring the cutoff date forward.


Below is a list of Central Payroll forms (all of the forms can be downloaded from the FORMS section below):

  1. Manual Warrant Requests – please ensure NMS_TL_PAYTM_OUTSTANDING_EE Query results are attached proving the time has been approved for processing.
  2. Cancel Advice and 10 Day Waiver.
  3. Terminal Leave Requests – please ensure NMS Terminal Leave report is also attached for the employee verify the TL details have been completed.
  4. One Time Deductions.
  5. Refund Request Forms.
  6. PERA – One Time Deductions and Refunds.
  7. Additional Pay Forms.
  8. Enrollment Change.
  9. Deceased Employee.
  10. Garnishment Release.

Manual Warrants related to Cancelled Checks: Please submit the paperwork via MAIL to Central Payroll.  ‘Cancelled Check’ will only occur if the physical check is received Central Payroll.

COVID-19 Correspondence


Termination of Printed Payroll Advices




Friendly Reminders


Time approval deadline for Payroll Processing is on end of business Monday after pay period end date.


Helpful Information


DFA Payroll 101 - Video

Tax Information 





Posting Payroll


Payroll Run Dates