Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)

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  3. Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)


The local government infrastructure capital improvement plan (ICIP) is a PLANNING TOOL, which establishes priorities for anticipated infrastructure projects for counties, municipalities, tribal governments, special districts, and senior citizen facilities.  The local government ICIP is administered through the Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division. The ICIP planning tool encourages entities to develop and update their five-year plan annually which is submitted to the State. It provides an opportunity for communities to assist and assess any critical needs. Although the ICIP is not a funding source, it does include information in each project for state and federal funding opportunities.

FY2025-2029 ICIP Submission Deadlines

  • Special Districts – Friday, July 14, 2023
  • Tribal Governments – Friday, August 18, 2023
  • Counties and Municipalities – August 18, 2023
  • Senior Citizen Facilities – Friday, September 8, 2023

FY2024-2028 ICIP Publication Legislative Memo Training Recap 1.30.2023

FY2025-2029 ICIP

FY2025-2029 ICIP Submission

Title Open File
2023 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)  Online Form

If you have any questions about the Local Government ICIP process, contact: Lynda Martinez or Geovanna Losito.

Click on link for direct access to ICIP Database –

PLEASE NOTE: ICIP is no longer supported by Internet Explorer.  Please use Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

Name Title Phone
Geovanna Losito Local ICIP Program Manager 505-257-8098
Lynda Martinez Local ICIP Program Manager 505-699-3971
Tonantzin Lucero-Roybal State Agency ICIP  Contact 505-470-4673